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Pay-Per-View Videos

Jessica Henry Gray [oil, watercolor, pencil/ink]  Click Here to RENT VIDEOS Individual videos priced as marked for 30 days

Join Jessica for an inspirational three-day workshop at Epiphany Fine Art in beautiful Norton Massachusetts, painting stunning fall colors! In this workshop Jessica will demonstrate how to select a scene, establish your composition, and develop your ...
Join Jessica for an inspirational three-day workshop at Epiphany Fine Art in beautiful Norton Massachusetts, painting stunning fall colors! In this workshop Jessica will demonstrate how to select a scene, establish your composition, and develop your ...
Join Jessica for an inspirational three-day workshop at Epiphany Fine Art in beautiful Norton Massachusetts, painting stunning fall colors! In this workshop Jessica will demonstrate how to select a scene, establish your composition, and develop your ...
We again welcomed Epiphany and Newsletter subscribers. I critiqued two participants' paintings and answered questions. I did a live commentary as we watchd a recent video, showing how to paint underwater rocks. The full video is being released as a ...
Too often, artists undervalue still life. In this session, I discuss how the process of selecting, lighting, arranging and painting still life presents artists with rewarding challenges that both develop their skills and yield beautiful works of art!
We welcomed Newsletter subscribers to this session. It was a great group of old friends and new faces! I critiqued two lovely paintings by group members and then spoke on how, without knowing we're doing it, we can turn art into a source of stress ...
In this session I critiqued four paintings from the group and we talked about efficiency -- a key to enjoying painting more and getting better results. Then I did a one-hour demo of a scene I loved, from a great trip to Ireland last summer.

Jeanne Rosier Smith [pastel] Click Here to RENT VIDEOS Individual videos priced as marked for 30 days
This extended demo explores every step in the painting process in depth as Jeanne shares how to create a seascape with low and dramatic early morning light.
Coastal marshes carry their own quiet beauty, and capturing the rich texture and varied light where the grasses meet the waterline is the subject of Jeanne’s next live demo. Join her to explore the challenge of creating believable marsh grass and ...
No matter where you are on your art journey, those aspects of art NOT related to pigment and paper have surely crept in from time to time. In this 2-hour zoom seminar Jeanne talks framing, marketing and social media, galleries, exhibitions, and ...
Foliage season is coming soon: be ready for it with this live demo on handling nature’s most glorious show with subtlety and sensitivity. Learn to balance the brilliance of fall color with just the right neutrals, and create depth and a strong ...
Regardless of what we’re painting, working with photos carries specific challenges: bad cropping, unreliable color, too much information. In this seascape demo, Jeanne Rosier Smith shares how she uses photos without being tied to them. She’ll show ...
Learn how to capture the movement and power of an ocean wave in pastel. Understand the wave’s moving form, and explore special underpainting and layering strategies to make your seascapes come alive.
Snow is crystalline and reflective just like clouds or seafoam, creating wonderful color opportunities. Painting well is learning to see. The rules for painting snow change drastically depending on the weather and the light. In this demo, retune your ...
Are you a studio painter who feels guilty about not going out plein air more often? This demo is for you. I’ll share my plein air practices with you, and tell you exactly how I use them to help inform and enliven my studio paintings. Don’t get me ...
Every Painting tells a story. The painter always has to choose: is it about the sky or is it about the land? In this demo we’re looking up, focusing on sky drama. How to compose a sky for dramatic affect, how to build soft, billowy clouds, control ...

Steve Griggs [watercolor] Click Here to RENT VIDEOS Individual videos priced as marked for 30 days
This is the first in a series of videos about ways to create unity in a painting. In this video I discuss two concepts that, while on the surface are quite opposite, work together to create unity: Harmony and Contrast. Harmony is the effect that is ...
Watch as Steve paints a mountain landscape, using hard edges to emphasize subject shapes and soft edges to de-emphasize supporting shapes, The combination of near and far shapes work together to create drama and atmospheric effect. Paint along with ...
Join us for a free one-hour loose watercolor painting with Steve Griggs. With fun and humor, Steve demonstrates his unique style of loose, moving, and evocative watercolor painting. Taking ‘loose’ to a new level, Steve uses bold lines, shapes, and ...

Jonathan McPhillips  Click Here to RENT VIDEOS Individual videos priced as marked for 30 days
Day two demo. This workshop is for the painter looking to enhance their skills while depicting the beautiful scenery of the Epiphany Fine Art Campus in springtime splendor. An inspirational and encouraging environment will be fostered through ...
Day one demo.  This workshop is for the painter looking to enhance their skills while depicting the beautiful scenery of the Epiphany Fine Art Campus in springtime splendor. An inspirational and encouraging environment will be fostered through ...

Matt Miller [oil] Click Here to RENT VIDEOS Individual videos priced as marked for 30 days
In this video I delve into the concept behind the painting.  The concept is what drives the painting from start to finish.  It directs the choices in the layout of the composition, the control of light, shadow, value, color, edge, focus, and paint ...
In this video we will demonstrate one of the most important lessons on how to make a flat object three dimensional.

Ricky Mujica [oil] Click Here to RENT VIDEOS Individual videos priced as marked for 30 days
In this video I make a case for why I selected the limited palette I currently use, the thoughts that went into the colors on my palette, and how to use the palette to mix the colors you need
In this video I demonstrate how to use my palette to mix a myriad of colors as needed.
In this video I demonstrate how you can practice mixing and matching colors from your palette at home.

Joe Reardon [photoshop] Click Here to RENT VIDEOS Individual videos priced as marked for 30 days
In this video I take you through the correct way to setup, light, and capture a giclée quality image. This quality image can be used to apply to shows, galleries, and to print Giclées.
In this video I teach you how to import the photograph you just took into Lightroom, to create a color profile and then to export your file to print ready.
In this video we walk you through monitor calibration, Print Paper Calibration and Printing process out of Lightroom
In this Photoshop tutorial I go over all of the "blend modes" available in Photoshop and illustrate how they can be added to your workflow
In this video we post process a color image with the use of Lightroom, Photoshop, TK7 and Topaz Studio 2. I show you have to create a separate mask for the sky and the ground saving them as channels and making separate adjustment for each with the ...
Luminosity masks target specific tones in every image. In this video I introduce the concept and practical application of editing through luminosity masking via adjustment layers, dodging and painting.
In this video I continue development of your tools skillset introducing Color Masking
The heart to Lightroom is its relational data base. Setting up your database correctly in Lightroom is key to sorting, filtering and finding images taken throughout time and location. In this video I show how to import, tag sort and find images by filters.
In this video I show an example of post processing from Lightroom through TK 7 Luminosity Masking utilizing Dodge and Burn with selections as well as a triple play action with various blend modes for effect. The image is finished with the use of ...
In this video I introduce yet another method for converting an image to Black and White via Artisan Pro 2021. Post processing includes Lightroom, Photoshop, Artisan Pro 2021, and TK7 Luminosity with selective dodging burning and various blend modes - ...
In this video I complete the image from part 1 bay adding in techniques in Topaz Studio as well as introducing a new technique from TK7 for painting with contrast. In the 2nd part of the video I put together yet another method for conversion to Black ...
In this video we work an interior architectural image using yet another method for Black and White conversion. We dig even deeper into Artisan Pro 2021 and TK7 luminosity masking.
In this video we complete the image from part 1 and begin another interior architecture image using new tools from Artisan Pro 2021 as well as new techniques from TK 7 to post process a fine art architecture image. In the second portion of this video ...

Jeanne Rosier Smith: [pastel] Pastel Painting Basics. Rent this bundle.

This short video offers a primer on pastels and paper
A Step-by-step guide to mounting your paper
A quick, easy way to clean your pastel trays and see your colors better
Don’t throw away those tiny shards of pastel, crush them up and make new ones! For this activity you need a mortar and pestle, a small spatula, an eye dropper bottle and a piece of plexiglass or wax paper.
A step-by-step guide to using fixative on your finished paintings—how to apply it without changing the color, and why it’s useful.
This useful video takes you through everything you need to consider when preparing to sign your work: placement, tools, color, size, name choice, design aspects, even mindset.

Ricky Mujica: [oil] Color Basics. Rent this bundle.

In this video I make a case for why I selected the limited palette I currently use, the thoughts that went into the colors on my palette, and how to use the palette to mix the colors you need
In this video I demonstrate how to use my palette to mix a myriad of colors as needed.
In this video I demonstrate how you can practice mixing and matching colors from your palette at home.

Joe Reardon: [photography] How to Photograph Your Artwork. Rent this bundle.

In this video I take you through the correct way to setup, light, and capture a giclée quality image. This quality image can be used to apply to shows, galleries, and to print Giclées.
In this video I teach you how to import the photograph you just took into Lightroom, to create a color profile and then to export your file to print ready.
In this video we walk you through monitor calibration, Print Paper Calibration and Printing process out of Lightroom

This category is coming soon!

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